Spiele • Switch

Skeletal Avenger (eShop)

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Rogue-lite Hack 'n' Slash Skeletal Avenger für PC und Konsolen angekündigt

Der Entwickler 10tons kündigte das Rogue-lite Hack 'n' Slash Skeletal Avenger für Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X und PC an. Das Spiel soll noch Ende dieses Jahres erscheinen.

Laut Angaben von 10tons handelt es sich um ein äußerst rasantes Hack-'n'-Slash-Actionspiel mit einem riesigen Waffenarsenal und enthauptenden Spezial-Angriffen. Neben dem Einzelspielermodus kann man Skeletal Avenger auch lokal mit bis zu 3 Freunden spielen. Nachfolgend findet ihr die offizielle Spielbeschreibung sowie den Enthüllungtrailer.

Skeletal Avenger is a fast-paced ultra-responsive hack’n’slash action with a massive weapon arsenal and decapitating special moves! Avenge a thousand wrongs in a reverse roguelite where the skeletal avengers ascend from the depths to extract vengeance!

  • Fast-paced ultra-responsive hack’n’slash action.
  • Decapitate yourself to do special attacks: Your hat determines the effect.
  • Reverse roguelite: Ascend from the depths and exact revenge.
  • Endless amount of quests to complete – each one ending in sweet revenge.
  • Gain rewards and equip your avengers with increasingly powerful gear.
  • Single player and two-to-four player local co-op.

Key Features

  • Head First into Revenge! – Decapitate yourself and unleash devastating special attacks! Complete quests to expand your arsenal and become an undead machine of revenge!
  • Fight for Your Unlife – Fast-paced ultra-responsive hack’n’slash gameplay with a number of weapons including swords, spears, hammers, daggers and more!
  • Reanimate Avengers – Reanimate avengers yearning for revenge. Each avenger has a unique grudge to settle – you’ll make sure the dish is served cold! Steer your avenger through unique procedurally generated challenges with endless variety.
  • Expand Your Arsenal – Complete revenges to gain new tools which make you more powerful. New weapons, headgear, armor and boots will grant you new perks and fantastic tools of destruction.

Weiterführende Links: Quelle, Forum-Thread

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