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Splatoon meets Wipeout: Trailblazers angekündigt

Was bei Shootern funktioniert, das muss doch auch bei Rennspielen klappen. So oder so in der Art muss die Ideen-Findung beim neuen Indie-Entwicklerstudio Supergonk, das sich unter anderem aus Branchen-Veteranen großer Studios wie Codemasters, Bizarre Creations und Lionhead zusammensetzt, ausgesehen haben. Dabei rausgekommen ist Trailblazers, ein Future-Racer, bei dem man die Rennstrecke anmalen darf. Dass man dies nicht nur aus kosmetischen Gründen macht, versteht sich von selbst.

Bei Trailblazers fährt nicht jeder gegen jeden, sondern in zwei Teams mit jeweils drei Fahrern. Jedes Team hat seine eigene Farbe, die man auch auf der Rennstrecke hinterlassen kann. Der Vorteil: fährt man auf seiner eigenen Farbe, resultiert dies in einem Boost. Je länger man auf seiner Farbe bleibt, desto höher wird die Endgeschwindigkeit. Doch natürlich hat das gegnerische Team etwas dagegen und versucht, seine eigene Farbe auf die Strecke zu bringen.

Trailblazers soll noch im Frühling für Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One und PC erscheinen.

Trailblazers is a fresh new co-operative racing title with an innovative on-track game mechanic: paint the track, boost on your color and work as a team to win!

Take control of high-speed racers in unique 3v3 team races across a series of colorful circuits. Paint the track as you race, capturing key areas to dynamically change the racing line, then boost on your team’s color to dominate the race!

  • True co-operative team racing with a brand new, never-before-seen core mechanic.
  • Exciting high-speed circuit racing with second-to-second strategy that is new to the genre.
  • Play online, either solo or together with split screen buddies.

Painting Features

In Trailblazers, you don’t just take the racing line. You make it! Work with your teammates to paint the track surface, capturing the fastest straights and most technical corners for your team. Join your trails together over multiple laps to make a perfectly connected line around the track, and paint over your opponent’s color to deny them the race.


More paint means more boost! Driving on your colour gives you a speed boost! Strategically paint the track in key areas to give your team an advantage. Boosting for longer unlocks higher top speeds, rewarding racers who can chain long trails together with no gaps. Capture the track and drive with accuracy to win the race!


Work together with your teammates to capture the track! The best teams will share painting and boosting duties, picking complementary drivers to maximize their individual skill-sets. But don’t forget about the opposing team! Paint over their trails to deny them boost, or save up your paint for aggressive attacks which shock the opposition and disrupt their strategy.

Racing Tips

  • Every race is diferent; the racing line constantly evolves as you play.
  • Strategize with your teammates to capture the best corners and fastest straights.
  • Chain long trails together to maximize your boost.
  • Continuously drive on your color to level-up your boost and unlock higher top speeds.
  • Paint over your opponent’s trails to capture their track and deny the opposing team their boost.
  • Some drivers are paint-focused, whilst others are boost-focused. Strategize with your teammates to pick up complementary stats!

Game Features

  • A larger-than-life cast of drivers, including humans, aliens and psychotic robots!
  • Drive a selection of different high-speed hover cars, each with unique stats and performance characteristics.
  • Join up with your friends in local multiplayer, or take it to online matchmaking with full split-screen support!
  • Play through a series of unique chapters of single player Story Mode, each with a distinct series of asymmetrical objectives to complete.
  • Experience a pulse-pounding licensed soundtrack featuring awesome Future Funk tracks from indie artists.
  • Developer Info

Supergonk is an exciting new independent game developer, located in the vibrant creative hub of Guildford, UK. It is formed of industry veterans with over 10 years of top-flight game development expertise at studios such as Codemasters, Bizarre Creations, and Lionhead. Supergonk creates high-quality indie racing titles, and prides itself on creating innovative new experiences and never-before-seen game mechanics.

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  • Avatar von Balki
    Balki 22.02.2018, 23:25
    Hmm, das erinnert mich: Wo ist Redout?
  • Avatar von smario66
    smario66 22.02.2018, 20:45
    Sieht sehr interessant aus. Werde ich mir bestimmt holen.
  • Avatar von Starkirby
    Starkirby 22.02.2018, 20:29
    Eigentlich eine coole Idee! Aber ob Teamwork in der Praxis sonderlich gut funktioniert? Stelle ich mir etwas schwierig vor.